Welcome to our Monument Sculptors Resource Area

    Your will find many useful resources here between tutorials, updates on regulations as well as form downloads.

    A tutorial video on how to submit a monument application from our website can be viewed here also - View Now

    Please let us know if you would like other documentation to be be added here.

    Once the Application to carry out works is submitted by the Monumental Sculptor company, it is assessed by the cemetery administration to check accuracy of details of the grave, the grave owner, dates of death for the deceased inscription on the headstone and that the person applying for the works has the authority to do so.

    A completed DCT Monument Sketch Form must also be uploaded when submitting a Monument Application

    Download DCT Monument Sketch Form

    Our ground staff then ensure that the specification of the foundation are correct for the type of stone being erected on the grave and once approved, a Permit is then issued to the Monument Sculptor to allow them to carry out the work in the cemetery. 

    Permits are only issued after payment has been received for the Application and Foundation (where applicable) Invoices.

     Description Amount Vat Total
     Monument Application  €89.43  23% - €20.57  €110
     Foundation Single  €361.23  13.5% - €48.77  €410
     Foundation Double  €722.46  13.5% - €97.54  €820
     Repair / Re-enforcement of existing Foundation  €149.78  13.5% - €20.22  €170
     Piers  €88.10  13.5% - €11.90  €100
     Double Piers  €173  13.5% - €27  €200
     Foundation Double with Piers  €810.57  13.5% - €109.43  €920
     Foundation plus Box Foundation  On application   €250-€500

    Note: Monument Application Fees also apply to cleaning and restoration works.

    When uploading the Monument Application Sketch Form, please ensure the file meets following requirements:

    • Maximum file size is 2Mb. We have made available a new black and white single page version of this form in order to reduce the file size as much as possible. Click here to download a copy of this form.
    • We recommend scanning the completed form as a PDF file as pictures taken from mobile phones tend to exceed the maximum file size.
    Specific regulations at all of our Dublin Cemeteries Trust Cemeteries protect the unique character and ambience of each particular setting. Please find included there also any types of works which do not require Monument Application.

    Download Rules   &   Regulations by chosen Cemetery

    Depending on the nature of works to be completed, some works require a Monument Application Form to be submitted to the relevant cemetery by the Monumental Sculptor on behalf of the family.

    A full list of all recent invoices on your account can be viewed from the Invoices section in MyAccount or click here to view this now.

    One or more outstanding invoices can be paid in single payment by either of these payment options:

    Credit card online payment

    To make single online credit card payment for one or more outstanding invoices, simply follow these steps:

    1. View the Invoices section in MyAccount after having logged in on our website
    2. Tick the box next to each invoice you wish to make a payment for
    3. A button will appear at the top of the invoices list as soon as an invoice is selected - click this button when ready to proceed to the credit card payment details
    4. Follow the onscreen prompts

    Bank Transfer 

    Please use bank details below to make a bank transfer payment and include the invoice reference numbers in the bank transfer message boxes.

    Account Name: Dublin Cemeteries Committee
    Bank : Bank of Ireland, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
    IBAN: IE30 BOFI 9005 7841 1279 99
    Account No. : 41127999
    Sort Code: 900578