Welcome to our Funeral Directors Resource Area

    You will find many useful resources here between tutorials, funeral service communications as well as form downloads.

    A tutorial video on how to book in service from our website can be viewed here also - View Now

                   Please note bank account change & letter from our CEO                      - View Now

    Update on Cremator at Glasnevin Cemetery (Copy of Mailshot sent via MailChimp)

    Dublin Cemeteries Trust has carried out a detailed review of our pricing and fees in relation to cremation-related services, burials / interments, and headstones and memorials. Some price changes will come into effect on February 1st 2024.

    Key changes are summarised below and the full, revised price-lists are available by clicking on these links:

    Your main funeral booking page will list all funeral bookings from 2 weeks ago. 

    This listing will now also include both bookings made online as well as bookings made over the phone.

    Previously only bookings made by the user logged in would be shown whereas we have now changed this to show all funeral bookings made on the funeral director main account. This really only applies where multiple funeral director branches are in operation and includes both bookings made online as well as over the phone.

    Our latest developments include a "Traffic Light System" for the booking status:

    Red = Action needed by the Funeral Director

    Orange = DcTrust is currently assessing and processing the booking

    Green = Service confirmed by the Funeral Director

    Following latest developments, there is no longer a requirement to return Form A of our Cremation Forms as long as the cremation booking is submitted online and "Implant Details" are confirmed in the relevant section of the booking form as follows:

    1. Go to the implant section on the booking form and where applicable, choose Yes from "Implant Present"
    2. If Yes, fill in details such as example below where the implant description must be confirmed:

    For more information on implantable medical devices and their management for cremation - click here to view extract taken from the ICCM Journal.

    We have also made available a black and white version of the cremation forms for clarity of forms when printing.

    Cremation Form Downloads
     Form B Application For Cremation  Download
     Form C Medical Certificate  Download
     Form D Coroners Certificate For Cremation  Download
     Form F Disposal Of Cremated Remains  Download

    A full list of all recent invoices on your account can be viewed from the Invoices section in MyAccount or click here to view this now.

    One or more outstanding invoices can be paid in single payment by either of these payment options:

    Credit card online payment

    To make single online credit card payment for one or more outstanding invoices, simply follow these steps:

    1. View the Invoices section in MyAccount after having logged in on our website
    2. Tick the box next to each invoice you wish to make a payment for
    3. A button will appear at the top of the invoices list as soon as an invoice is selected - click this button when ready to proceed to the credit card payment details
    4. Follow the onscreen prompts

    Bank Transfer 

    Please use bank details below to make a bank transfer payment and include the invoice reference numbers in the bank transfer message boxes.

    For burial services and grave purchase
    related invoices                                                  
    For cremation services       
    related invoices                                                  
    Account Name: Dublin Cemeteries Committee
    Bank : Bank of Ireland, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
    IBAN: IE30 BOFI 9005 7841 1279 99
    Account No. : 41127999
    Sort Code: 900578
    Account Name: The Crematorium
    Bank : Bank of Ireland, Glasnevin, Dublin 9

    IBAN: IE27 BOFI 9005 7813 6101 23
    Account No. : 13610123
    Sort Code: 900578

    You will find more information on implantable medical devices and their management for cremation in this extract from ICCM Journal - Click here to view