Regulations & Help and Questions


    It is very important to know that when you are buying a headstone there are rules and regulations associated with erecting headstones in each Dublin Cemeteries Trust location. These vary from site to site, please refer to the documents below relevant to the place where you plan to put up the headstone.

    This varies according to the location. At our Lawn cemeteries (Dardistown, Newlands Cross, and Palmerstown), headstones can be erected immediately after burial.

    Our older Victorian Cemeteries at Glasnevin and Goldenbridge need to have the grave assessed to ensure that the headstone is suitable for the grave. If a new foundation is required it will take a number of weeks to be built.

    This varies between our five locations. Please read the rules and regulations document (see below) associated with the site that applies to you, because there are specific things that you should be aware of when erecting a headstone.

    Fees, Rules & Regulations 

    Once the Application to carry out works is submitted by the Monumental Sculptor company, it is assessed by the cemetery administration (to check accuracy of details of the grave, the grave owner, dates of death for the deceased inscription on the headstone and that the person applying for the works has the authority to do so) and by our ground staff to ensure that the specification of the foundation are correct for the type of stone being erected on the grave) a Permit is then issued to the Monument Sculptor to allow them to carry out the work in the cemetery. Note that permits are only issued after payment has been received for the Application and Foundation (where applicable) Invoices.

    Application for Monumental Works

    Effective 9th January 2023

     Description Amount Vat Total
     Monument Application  €90.90 21% - €19.10 €110
     Foundation Single  €361.23  13.5% - €48.77  €410
     Foundation Double  €722.46  13.5% - €97.54  €820

     Piers  €88.10  13.5% - €11.90  €100

     Foundation Double with Piers  €810.57  13.5% - €109.43  €920
     Foundation plus Box Foundation  On application   €250 - €500

    Note: Monument Application Fees also apply to cleaning and restoration works.

    Specific regulations at all of our Dublin Cemeteries Trust Cemeteries protect the unique character and ambience of each particular setting. Please find included there also any types of works which do not require Monument Application.

    Download Rules   &   Regulations by chosen Cemetery

    Depending on the nature of works to be completed, some works require a Monument Application Form to be submitted to the relevant cemetery by the Monumental Sculptor on behalf of the family.

    Effective 1st January 2021

    Removal and re-setting of monuments, kerbing and covering stones to facilitate burials, and reinstating graves after the burial has taken place.

    In order to facilitate the opening of graves, and to comply with Health & Safety regulations, interments can only take place if there is confirmation from the deceased family. This confirmation instructs Dublin Cemeteries Trust to proceed with the removal and re-instatement of any memorials or kerbing on the grave. Any memorial which may have become damaged, disjointed, loose or unstable on the grave being opened is rest after the burial, this also includes any works needed on adjoining graves, to facilitate the opening of the grave in question.

    An assessment will be carried out on all graves prior to opening, there is a charge for this service and you will be notified through your Funeral Director of the total charge for the grave opening, as part of the Request of Burial Service Form, no later than 2.00pm on the day prior to the burial.

    Request of Burial Service Form must be signed and returned to Dublin Cemeteries Trust, by the relevant Funeral Director, by 4.00pm on the day prior to the burial to facilitate the opening of the grave.

    Effective 9th January 2023.

    All such works are part of the services provided by Dublin Cemeteries Trust. 

    Included in the overall opening fee :

    1. Opening and closing of the grave
    2. Any charge for removal and reset of monument / kerbing
    3. One years maintenance of the surface of the grave.

    Maintenance of the grave and headstone thereafter is the responsibility of the grave owner. Dublin Cemeteries Trust offers the service of annual grave maintenance, this can be arranged through the relevant cemeteries office.

    Kerbing is not permitted on single graves (8ft long x 2ft wide / 2.44m x 0.61m) 
    Covering stones can be placed on single graves.

    All reinstatement works will be carried out as soon as possible after the burial, taking into account the time it takes for the grave to settle after the burial has taken place.

     Description  Single Grave  Double Grave
     Reset Monument with existing foundation  €100  €150
     Reset Monument not on foundation (temporary)  €150  €200
     Repair / Re-enforcement of existing foundation  €170  €170
     Reset Kerbing (Surrounds)  Will be removed  €150
     Reset Covering stone  €100  €150
     Reset of Box foundation  N/A  €250
     Replace Chippings  Not replaced  Not replaced
     Removal of box hedging  €70  €70
     Reset larger monuments  On application  On application