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- Extra-ordinary Lives Exhibition
Experience Glasnevin – Ireland’s National Cemetery reopens on September 15th with a brand new, state-of-the-art indoor exhibition to complement our renowned and much-loved outdoor tours.
Located on the first floor of the magnificent Visitor Centre, the new “Extra-ordinary Lives” indoor exhibition is centred around the surprising stories of more than 20 people who have their final resting place in Glasnevin Cemetery.
By blending the stories of significant historical figures with those of people from the arts, sport and other fields, as well as lesser-known figures, the new design holds a broad appeal for visitors of all ages and geographic backgrounds.
Downstairs, the City of the Dead has also reopened - an interactive exhibition exploring the traditions of funeral culture around the world, and throughout time. Contemplative and compelling, visitors will discover intriguing customs and curious tales of the afterlife.
Exhibition & Irish History Tour
Exhibition (only)
Available at Ticket Desk
Use our interactive timeline to explore the history of Glasnevin, find famous graves, and discover the stories buried within.
Behind every name, and beneath every headstone, there is the story of a life lived, and a unique individual’s experiences.
Be sure to venture downstairs and explore the City of the Dead. This interactive exhibition showcases the weird and the wonderful, including the life of a gravedigger, burial practices and traditions throughout the ages, and fascinating stories of the after life from religious cultures around the world.